Research and Development to Accelerate Climate Action
by: Fr Joel E. Tabora, S.J. | 2 February 2023 I have been asked to comment on Research and Development to Accelerate Climate Action. Presumably: Based on recognition of the climate emergency in the World. The last seven years were the warmest years on...
Keynote during Mindanao Week of Peace Launching Nov. 24, 2022 (November 30 to December 7, 2022)
by Fr. Joel E. Tabora, SJ We are happy again this year to come together in celebration of the Mindanao Week of Peace (MWP). Our Mindanao has had a long history of conflict. Some have attributed this to differing religious faiths, to conflicts between...
Catholic Higher Education in the Philippines: A Commitment to Quality Education in the Spirit
by Fr. Joel E. Tabora, S.J. [ADDU University Lecture, July 29, 2022.] Our University Celebration of St. Ignatius of Loyola today is occasion for reflection on Catholic Education in the Philippines and how it is a commitment to quality education in the Holy Spirit....
On Church Involvement in the 2022 Elections: Fraternity, Social Friendship, and Politics
by: Fr. Joel E. Tabora, SJ [DADITAMA Recollection for Davao Clergy and Diocesan Pastoral Workers. March 9, 2022: 8:30 – 10:30 a.m.] For some, elections are a time to race for power. It is an investment of personal energy and assembled wealth to gain...
Transforming and Touching Lives: Sharing Best Practices of Technical Training Program of St. Mary’s College of Tagum
DACS EcoWarriors in the Season of Creation 2021
By: Fr. Joel E. Tabora, S.J. It is a privilege for me to congratulate all the newly trained EcoWarriors of DACS! I thank all from the DACS’ leadership, administration and active advocates for the environment who in these past days have trained you. But...
Reverend Father Michael P. Heigel, MM
by: Sem. Alche Daclan Carriedo “He Had Been Gifted with the Call to Mission” “He (Reverend Father Michael P. Heigel, MM) accomplished a lot and got others to accomplish so much. His shortcoming, if that is what it should be called, was that he was so busy for others...
Promoting Participatory Elections — Preparing for 2022 National Elections
By ATTY. Gregorio Larrazabal ….We started the discussion on what needs to be done in preparing for the May 2022, presidential elections. I covered two topics: Changing of the technology partner for the 2022 presidential elections.Conduct of an assessment of the May...
A Reflection On Teaching Philosophy in Senior High School Catholic Schools
By Fr. Francis Paul S. Escaño, RCJ Philosophy is a handmaid of theology St. Clement of Alexandria, a Christian Philosopher in the Middle ages said, “Philosophy is the Handmaid of Theology.” He said this to emphasize the importance of the mind or critical thinking in...
Legal Perspectives On Mayor’s Permit and Regulatory Fees: Implication to Private Schools
by Atty. Jose Sabino M. Padilla, III Guideline on Mayor’s Permit - 2021 Non-Stock Non-Profit Educational Institutions (NSNPEI) enjoy a constitutional tax exemption. There are only two (2) conditions for a educational institution to enjoy the constitutional tax...