Davao Association of Catholic Schools, Inc. (DACS)

Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines – Region XI (CEAP-XI)

Collaboration. Transformation. Communion.


Feb 12, 2023 | Announcements & Events

Professional Teachers, Research and Higher Education Summit

The Davao Association of Catholic Schools through its Higher Education Commission is pleased to invite college faculty, researchers, professional teachers, graduate school students, directors of formation, community engagement, internationalization and information technology to its first Higher Education and Research Summit with the ….

Jul 30, 2023 | Announcements & Events

Davao Association of Catholic Schools, Inc (CEAP- Region XI) holds Annual Assembly; Sectoral Conversation on Synodality

Convening as regional arm of the Catholic Education Association of the Philippines (CEAP), the Davao Association of Catholic Schools (DACS) held its annual assembly last July 21, 2023 at the Holy Cross of Davao College, in Davao City. More than two hundred participants including school administrators, students, faculty, non-teaching staff, parents, alumni and representatives from school adopted communities gathered to reflect on the theme “Pilgrims of Hope: Exploring Pathways of Synodality”. In sectoral conversations, the participants shared their positive experiences (Salamat) and their hopes (Sana) for their schools. In the opening eucharistic celebration, Most Rev. Guillermo Afable, DD, Bishop of Digos underscored in his homily the importance of Catholic schools and Catholic families in journeying with the local Church in the mission of formation and evangelization of young people.Sr. Ma. Marissa R. Viri, RVM, the CEAP National President, graced the occasion and addressed the assembly about the significance of coming together as Catholic schools and engage in authentic dialogue...

Oct 8, 2023 | Announcements & Events

General Course On Curriculum Planning, Assessment, Coaching And Supervisiongeneral Course On Curriculum Planning, Assessment, Coaching And Supervision

GENERAL COURSE ON CURRICULUM PLANNING, ASSESSMENT, COACHING AND SUPERVISION DACS Training Center, Davao City October 27-28, 2023 Program Accreditation No: PTR-2023-422-3108 Credit Units: 12 CPD Points TOPICS Code of Ethics for Professional Teacher Artificial Intelligence and Technology in Education School Improvement Plan and the K to 12 Standards Curriculum Designing Assessment Planning (Standards and Rubrics) Instructional Planning (Methods /Approaches) Classroom Supervision and Coaching Registration: Php2000 (inclusive of lunch, snacks, certificate of participation) Registration Link: https://forms.gle/92UA7VHyLBZgftee7 Continuing Professional Development Program for Curriculum Leaders and Supervisors

Jun 21, 2024 | Announcements & Events, Events

DACS-CEAP XI marks 60

Seventy (70) members of the Davao Association of Catholic Schools the regional association of the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (DACS-CEAP XI) in the Dioceses of Davao, Digos, Tagum and Mati (DADITAMA) gather for the association’s 60th foundation on February 23, 2023. With the theme, “A Community of Catholic Schools in DADITAMA Journeying together in Thanksgiving, Formation, Synodality & Mission” DACS-CEAPXI culminates the one-year celebration with a Eucharistic celebration at Holy Cross of Davao College where the first organizational meeting was held in 1963. The highlight of the event is the launching of a book entitled, “Stewards of Excellence: The History of the Davao Association of Catholic Schools (1963-2023)”, written….

Jul 30, 2022 | Announcements & Events


The Davao Association of Catholic Schools convened its Regional Assembly last July 25, 2022 under the theme: Pilgrims of Hope: Moving Forward in Synodality – adopted from the National Convention of the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP) in October 2022. DACS is the arm of CEAP in the Davao Region. It was the first in-person gathering of the association since the start pandemic in 2020. Br. Nelvic H. Deloria, SC, the current DACS President and CEAP Regional Trustee, presided over the annual business meeting, a requirement of the Securities and Exchange …..

Feb 8, 2021 | Announcements & Events

Information and Education Campaign Key to Success of COVID19 Vaccination Program

Recent surveys show that almost half of Filipino population are either afraid or skeptical about the effectiveness or safety COVID19 vaccines.  This reveals  a limited understanding of the Science of Vaccination despite efforts of scientists and health authorities to convince people that only by implementing a comprehensive national vaccination program against the virus could limit if not end the worlwide pandemic and bring back some normalcy in the lives of people.  Information and Education campaign among Filipinos is therefore very important  as the government prepares for its national deployment and…..


Jun 15, 2021 | Advocacy, Archive Announcements & Events, JEEPGY: Justice & Peace

SUSTAINING PEACE IN MINDANAO: A Pakighinabi on the Moro Killings in South Cotabato

To date, 64 Moro locals in the municipalities of Tupi and Polomolok in South Cotabato have been recorded killed since early 2020 in what appears to be a spate of killings.  One of its latest victims is Datu Emilton Ampatuan, former Vice Chair of the MILF Political Affairs in the region and his son who were according to his wife were shot in their heads point …

Feb 12, 2023 | Advocacy, Columns, JEEPGY: Ecological Integrity

Research and Development to Accelerate Climate Action

I have been asked to comment on Research and Development to Accelerate Climate Action.

Presumably:  Based on recognition of the climate emergency in the World.  The last seven years were the warmest years on record.  Within them:  the extreme weather occurrences.  The stronger typhoons and hurricanes, the wildfires, the flooding.  The Philippines has not been spared. The emergency needs action.  It is appropriate that the action is based on research. E.g.  Based on the research of others available: Stop global warming:  Cut the use of fossil fuels.  Cut use of cars.  Cut use of airplanes.  Properly insulate homes.  Keep thermostats of air conditioners at 23 degrees and above.  Use solar panels.  Cut beef and dairy consumption. People need to be informed of what has been established as necessary to stop climate change. We engage in scientific research to accelerate and support climate action locally, e.g.  in Mindanao, through: E.g.  Monitoring of environmental indicators:  toxins, e.g. inMaputi River, Banaybanay (Fr. Antonio Basilio, PhD).  Quality of the air (Dr. Doris Montecastro).  State of water in aquafers…

Oct 12, 2021 | Advocacy, JEEPGY: Engaged Citizenship

DAVAO ASSOCIATION OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS, INC. (Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines – Region XI) Statement on Voters’ Registration Extension

The Davao Association of Catholic Schools, the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines in Region XI, composed of seventy (70) Catholic schools, colleges and universities, lauds the passage of Republic Act 11591, An Act Fixing the Last Day of Registration of Voters for the 2022 National and Local Elections, granting thirty (30) more days for the Filipino electorates to register. We equally appreciate the Commission on Election for its en banc resolution extending the registration period. We believe that these responses to the public clamor will avoid disenfranchising around 11M Filipinos who are yet to register for the 2022 elections. Our appreciation is underscored by the firm resolve that our right to vote is as important as our right to health. However, we echo the growing frustration of the Filipinos relative to the processes implemented by the COMELEC registration centers including the imposition of registration limits per day. Instead of encouraging the potential electorates, the daily cap dispirits especially the first-time voters. The interest to participate in the ….

Dec 10, 2021 | Advocacy, JEEPGY: Gender Equality

Babaye sa Tulunghaan: A Conversation on School Practices Creating Safe Spaces and Protection of Women’s Rights Inside School Campuses

As we commemorate the 73rd Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights this December 10, we wanted to highlight school experiences protecting women’s rights against violence, harassment, and discrimination. In drafting this milestone document of the United Nations, women are at the forefront. Eleanor Roosevelt’s leading role as Chairperson of the drafting committee of the said document …

Feb 4, 2021 | JEEPGY: Youth Empowerment

Formation Program For DACS Sports Coaches


Sports coaching is an important element in developing athletic talents among students. The person of the coach is very influential in forming the skills, habits and values of the athletes and the young people in basic education. Since the DACS Sports is a program participated by most DACS schools in their respective Diocesan cluster (DADITAMA), the quality of sports coaching has become a significant area to make it aligned to the goals and standards of catholic education. There has been a felt need among DACS schools to improve sports instruction and coaching and to make the sports program not only an excellent training ground for athletes but more importantly as an avenue for character and values formation.  This will be achieved if the personnel who train and coach young athletes are themselves continually improving their professional knowledge and skills and have correct understanding of their roles as coaches and mentors and an appreciation of sports as an enriching part of Christian education..

Feb 15, 2021 | Archive Announcements & Events, JEEPGY: Dialogue

LUNGTAD BANGSAMORO: A Pakighinabi on the Proposed Extension of the Bangsamoro Transition

The Bangsamoro Transition has celebrated its second founding anniversary last January 2021. The interim regional government has less than a year left in the transition. While strides have been accomplished in the transition,  some are yet to be fulfilled.  In a dialogue among officials of the BARMM and the National Government as well as the Congress, Atty. Sha-Elijah Dumama-Alba, the Bangsamoro Government’s Attorney General stressed that three (3) years is evidently not sufficient for a post-conflict government to be fully effective and operational. “The first year of the transition in 2019 was poured into building the new bureaucracy, institutionalizing moral governance, and hiring of personnel. The second year of transition in 2020 has been ultimately halted by Covid-19 which forced the Bangsamoro Government to redirect its…


DACS helps member schools

We help member schools attain the mission of Catholic education as well as contribute to regional, national, and human development goals. Among other things, the association endeavors to:

Provide educational direction and leadership among member schools;


Help member schools carry out the Church decrees on education;

Initiate programs and services for the improvement of school management, personnel and instruction;

Foster unity and sharing of resources among schools;


Represent the interest of member schools before the general public and with concerned government agencies or private organizations;

Establish linkages and collaboration with educational organizations and other groups;


Provide assistance programs to qualified students and personnel;

DACS is governed by a Board of fifteen (15) Trustees assisted by a full-time secretariat headed by the Executive Director. It coordinates with the diocesan schools Superintendents who are appointed by their respective Bishops to oversee the welfare of Catholic schools.

DACS supports advocacies for sustainable development, environmental awareness, peace and media education, history, culture and arts, the Mindanao peoples’ concerns and inter-faith dialogue.

DACS is affiliated with the Association of Foundations (AF). It is accredited by the Professional Regulation Commission as a provider of Continuing Professional Education for teachers.