The Davao Association of Catholic Schools (DACS-CEAP XI), in collaboration with the Department of Education XI (DepEd) under the auspices of the NEDA XI Regional Development Council – Technical Working Group on K to 12 Implementation, is embarking on a research project entitled: “Tracer Study of Senior High School (SHS) Graduates among Private and Public Schools in Davao Region Class of 2018-2019.” The study aims to describe the experience of the senior high school graduates’ class of 2018-2019 and trace their career path choices as designed by the K to 12 Curriculum.  The findings of the tracer study will provide data and information on the status of the K to 12 Program particularly in the Senior High School curriculum. They will serve as bases for education policy recommendations for the government to improve the quality of basic education program in the country.

The Research Committee of DACS-CEAP XI launched collaborative research among the higher education institutions among Catholic higher education institutions from October 2020 to September 2021.  Using mixed-method (quantitative and qualitative components), the tracer study will involve randomly selected seventy-four (74) public senior high schools and sixty-two (62) private senior high schools across the eleven (11) DepEd school divisions in Region XI. Per DepEd data, there are 353 public senior high schools and 226 private senior high schools in SY 2019-2022. Online survey respondents will be senior high school graduates from SY 2018-2019, selected college faculty, and owners of business establishments in the Davao Region

This research project is partly supported by the Private Education Assistance Committee (PEAC) through its Research and Innovation for Success in Education Program (RISE). Other partners include the Commission on Higher Education XI (CHED) and the Technical Education Skills Development Authority XI (TESDA).