By: Fr. Rex M. Carbilledo, SDB
Director, Don Bosco Training Center – Mati

Last July 13, 2020 was the first meeting of all Regional TVEC Coordinators through Zoom. Hosted by Fr. Onofre “Jun” Inocencio, Jr. SDB, NTVEC Chairperson, the following were discussed in the meeting:

  1. Technical Vocational Education in the Trifocalized System of Education: Issues and Concerns during this pandemic times and the unfolding of the New Normal
    1.1 Data Gathering and Analytics
    1.2 Senate Bill 1526 – creation of Nation Education Council (Sen. Win Gatchalian) 

2. Learning Continuity Plan and Flexible Learning in TVET 

3. Status of the TVET Program in DepEd – TESDA – CHED 

4. Setting Directions and Programs for the Development of TVET (Operational Plan (SY 2020-2021)

Present during the meeting were:

  1. Fr. Elmer Jose G. Dizon
  2. Mr. Jose Allan I. Arellano
  3. Fr. Onofre G. Inocencio, Jr. SDB
  4. Region 1 Representative – Fr. Roberto J. Ibay, SVD
  5.  Region 2 Representative- Mr. Roger P. Bueno
  6.  Region 3 Representative – Ms. Veneriza N. Trillo
  7.  Region 4 Representative – Fr. Danny C. Montana, RCJ
  8. Region 6 Representative – Msgr. Cyril B. Villareal
  9. Region 8 Representative – Mr. Erneil Pepito
  10. Region 10 Representative – Dr. Aida C. Selecios
  11. Region 11 Representative – Fr. Rex M. Carbilledo, SDB
  12. Region 12 Representative – Fr. Dandy B. Traje, CP
  13. NCR Representative – Ms. Glenda R. Villaneuva
  14.  Negros Island Region Representative – Bro. Edward Q. Villordon, SDB
  15.  CARAGA Representative – Mrs. Chrizely M. Dalagan

CEAP-NTVEC Committee Meetings

July 13, 2020: 9:00am – 11:00am, Monday

November 20, 2020, 9:00am-11:00am

The 2nd CEAP NTVEC Regional Representatives Meeting was done last November 20, 2020. Fr. Jun Inocencio, Jr. SDB explained to the group the rationale for the creation and establishment of NTVEC. This is to emphasize that Tech Voc is not just concerned with training but it is really an education directed to form responsible and productive members of the society contributing to the national and global development. 

Fr. Jun Inocencio, SDB also presented to the CEAP NTVEC members the nature and function of NTVEC in the CEAP, the vision mission of NTVEC, the goals and objectives of the commission, and the organizational structure and work teams. 

The 10-point agenda of NTVEC was presented:

  1. Pursue a seamless technical education in the tri-focalized system of education with the harmonization of the programs and requirements of the three sectors of the education system;
  1. Strengthen partnership with industry and develop industry-based curricula and assessment that are truly relevant and responsive to national development
  1. Fully support the implementation of the Dual Training System in the conduct of TVET programs;
  1. Pursue higher qualifications responding to the fast-paced demands of the industry following the requirements of the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) aligned with the ASEAM Qualifications Reference Framework (AQRF) and the international accords to facilitate greater mobility in  a borderless society;
  1. Share TVET learning resources to further the development and enrichment of the TVET programs
  1. Advance the development of TVET trainers and administrators for effectiveness and efficiency of operations and management of TVET institutions
  2. Embrace the challenges of the new normal that are yet to unfold in our journey with greater flexibility, agility and resiliency through collaboration and networking;
  1. Develop models to advance advocacies and conduct public fora and exchanges;
  1. Conduct research that will guide the path of development for TVET;
  2.  Expand networks and linkages and establish and nurture congenial relationship with the lead agency (TESDA), business and industry and the other stakeholders of TVET

Other important matters discussed during the meeting were the following:

Proposed recalibration of the CEAP Strategic Plan 2019-2022

TVET in the Trifocalized Educational System: Issues and Concerns
TVET in Basic Education
TVET in TESDA Program
TVET in Higher Education

Proposed Activities for remaining months of November 2020 – September 2021
Creation of data base for TVET institutions
Needs Assessment
Empowering Regional Technical Vocational Education Commission
NTVEC Research Agenda

TVET institutions’ profile in the national and NCR

November 27, 2020, 9:00 – 11:00am

The 3rd NTVEC Representatives meeting was held last November 27, 2020. In this meeting, Fr. Jun Inocencio, SDB presented the CEAP NTVEC Strategic Plan and discussed the Rationale, the Vision Mission and Goal and the process for the approval of the said plan by the CEAP Board.

After the presentation of Fr. Jun, each representative was asked to give a preliminary report about the situation, challenges and difficulties faced by TVET institutions (both private and public) in each region. However, there were only 6 representatives present during the meeting. It was resolved that another round of sharing will be done in the next meeting with a more comprehensive assessment of the situation of TVET in each region. The result of the sharing will be the basis for the creation of the data base for TVET Institutions and in crafting the tool for Needs Assessment.