Based on the discussion last July 5, 2018 by CIP-JEEPGY TWG on Disaster Response


With the disasters and calamities that have affected us for the last couple of years starting with Typhoon Pablo back in December 2012 and most recently, Typhoon Vinta last 2017, the DACS in coordination with the Archdiocese Social Action Committee (ASAC) has been in the forefront of conducting relief operations.

The DACS, as a catholic institution and a part of the Church, aims to be proactive in helping the city and nearby areas of the Davao Region and beyond in times of disaster and calamities. As an active partner, DACS aims to collaborate, coordinate and complement the initiatives of the diocese and LGU to alleviate the impact of disaster to the different communities it may affect.

In the most recent encyclical of Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate-An Exhortation on the Call to Holiness, this effort to organize and actively collaborate becomes our concrete response to the call for universal holiness, foregoing individualism and sectarianism. Making our efforts of response accessible to all and not to a select few.  


The objective of this protocol is to aid the DACS, through the CIP Committee on how to proceed in times of disaster and calamity in aid of affected communities.

Specifically, this protocol aims to:

  1. Guide the DACS and its member schools on the manner by which response may be organized;
  2. Define the types of disasters that the DACS can respond to;
  3. Establish the different partner institutions and agencies who can help in the delivery of the response;
  4. Craft methods for resource mobilization and disbursement of funds.

General Guideline

  1. All actions to be undertaken by the DACS shall always be in coordination with the LGU and the Archdiocese of Davao through the ASAC.

DACS member schools can help in the initial needs assessment for the affected communities.

  1. Types of Disaster to respond to:
    1. Natural- Natural disasters are floods, typhoon devastation (landslide, excess floods, etc.), earthquakes
    2. Man-Made- Man-made disasters are fire, war, famine, civil unrest resulting to disturbance and casualties
  2. For Natural Disasters (within Davao city):
    1. Before onset of Disaster
      1. Identify potential hazard areas through coordination with ASAC & LGU
      2. Help in information dissemination for potential evacuation or relocation of affected communities
    2. After the Disaster
      1. Conduct needs assessment of affected communities
        1. Number of Individuals
        2. Number of Families
        3. Immediate Needs
      2. Coordinate with ASAC & LGU on resource mobilization
  1. For Natural Disasters (outside Davao City)
    1. Coordinate with ASAC of the Diocese for initial needs assessment
    2. Organize and mobilize DACS Schools for resource mobilization.
  1. Areas of Responsibility of DACS Member Schools (Per District)
    1. District 1
      1. UIC
      2. SPC
      3. HCDC
    2. District 2
      1. ACD
      2. HCCS
      3. GTCD
    3. District 3
      1. SPCT
      2. HCCC
      3. AdDU
      4. PWC
      5. SJPCII
      6. HCM
    4. Outside Davao City
      1. St. Mary’s College (Tagum)
      2. (There is need to  identify Diocese of Mati and Diocese of Tagum lead schools)
  2. Standard Relief pack
    1. 6 kilos rice
    2. 4 pcs. Canned goods (Sardines, Corned Beef, etc.)
    3. 6 sachets coffee

Additional contents for standard relief pack (as needed):

  1. Bar Soap
  2. Towel
  3. Malong
  4. Hygiene Kit
  5. Kettle
  6. Kaldero 
  1. Partner Agencies and Institutions
    1. Philippine Red Cross
    2. City Disaster Response 
    3. Office of Civil Defense
    4. AFP
    5. PNP
  1. Means of Resource Mobilization & Disbursement
    1. Solicitation campaigns thru different media channels (Letters, Mass Announcements, Radio, TV)
    2. Disbursement of cash resources is upon the approval of the DACS Board to be executed by the DACS Executive Director.

Prepared by: DACS CES/CIP Committee