
On October 5, 2022, we celebrated the World Educators’ Day.  Indeed, it was a great day to honor you, great educators, for your noble work in making this world more advanced and developed, and as well as making it more humane and grace-filled. 

For us, Christian educators, we have no one else to turn to as our model.  It is Jesus Christ Himself:  His selflessness; His heart of compassion for all especially those who are unloved-rejected-abandoned-needy; His inclusive love and care, and more.

As educators, our challenges both in our professional and personal lives are numerous.  Despite this, may we keep moving on believing that we are but stewards of His mission.  We can only be grateful that we are given the chance to fulfill it by His grace.  Our crosses may be heavy but let them become lighter with the knowledge that He has already carried us on His cross and redeemed us.  Moreover, God’s manifestations are always there, we only need to open our eyes of faith.

Let us continue to be inspired and be an inspiration to others … be blessed and be blessings to everyone we encounter.  May we never stop learning, re-learning and unlearning for we are perpetual students to this school we call life, and be mentored by the Great Teacher, Jesus. Bear in mind that a teacher worthy of its name is first and foremost a learner.

Thank you for your commitment and dedication!

God bless.

Br.  Noelvic, s.c.